Always there

“In my distress I cried unto the LORD, and he heard me.”        Psalm 120:1 KJV

My grandson, Noah, is a typical two-year-old. At home in his own environment, he entertains himself, wanders out of sight of his mother and explores; a content and independent young man. But whenever he faces uncertainty, new people or experiences, he runs quickly back to mom’s arms where he feels safe until he can assess things for himself. What he doesn’t know is that Mom is watching him, even when he thinks he’s on his own.

It seems to be a part of our human nature – when we feel safe, we develop a certain adventurousness, a willingness to try new things and to be independent, a.k.a. the “me do” mentality. But let something happen that upsets our plans,  frightens us  or goes contrary to our expectations and we suddenly decide we need the help of Someone bigger than us – God.

Thankfully He is always there, when things are going just fine as well as when things feel scary or out of our control. He never really left us to wander on our own. We just conveniently “forgot” He was there until we needed Him!

Lord, thank you for being there when I experience distress. But help me to remember you are ALWAYS with me. Amen.

About Bonnie Winters

I am a Pastor's Wife, Mom, Grandmom, writer, and crafter who loves God with all my heart! Life has been an interesting Journey, so why not pull up a comfy chair, grab a cuppa your favorite beverage and let's just share awhile!
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