
A Versatile Children’s Church Project

Looking for a fun craft/game/ gift idea to do with your younger children’s church students? How about making popsicle stick puzzles?


The minute I saw these over at Amy Rhime’s  Anktangle Word Press Blog., my mind began whirling with possibilities.( For step by step directions, visit her there.)

It’s a great way to recycle old Christmas cards or you could even print Bible coloring pages on pieces of 5 x 7 cardstock and have the children color them before gluing them to the popsicle sticks to make a puzzle.

If you use large tongue depressors, they will work for toddlers and the traditional popsicle sticks would work better with older children.

The finished puzzles would make a great gift to include in your Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes – especially if your students make them!  (You will probably have to cut the sticks apart with a craft knife, but they can do the coloring and gluing). How about personalizing them – Make puzzles out of the children’s photos and include them in the shoe boxes with a handwritten notes from the class?

They could be used for a Bible memory tool by printing the lesson’s memory verse on a  piece of patterned scrapbook paper. Then glue it to the sticks and  cut them apart. The child must put the sticks in the correct order to read the verse. The first one to put the  pieces together correctly AND to memorize the verse would get a small prize. You could do this as an individual or group activity.

Or you could also use it as a get acquainted activity by  distributing one stick to each child as they come into class. When you say, “go!” they have to find out who has the other pieces of the  picture puzzle and put it together. The first team to finish their puzzle wins!

So can you think of other creative ways to use these cute puzzles?



 So – can you name all 66 books??????


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