The prayer garden

It was a gorgeous morning for planting my garden. the danger of frost appears to be over and they are calling for rain showers this afternoon  so everything will be nicely watered. I had purchased enough seeds and plants to fill up my space with a few seeds left over for replanting if necessary.  Dan had tilled everything well and he even added mulcgrowing-spinach-02h to the corner where the soil quality wasn’t as good.  Everything was perfect and I was itching to get down and play in the dirt.

This year I am thankful for being able to plant a garden for a big reason. I have had heart  issues this past year and during the winter months things seemed to be getting worse. But when the warmer weather became consistent, the angina pains seemed to lessen. I have been able to do many of the things that I used to do  with relatively little heart pain, Praise the Lord!

I’m thankful for my garden for another reason too. Each year my garden becomes a wonderful interactive prayer reminder for me. I can see the church building as I  work and one by one,  each of the families who attend come to mind. I am reminded to pray for their needs and for their relationships with the Lord as I plant seeds. I pray for their struggles as I struggle with the weeds. I pray for  God to produce much good fruit in their lives as I watch the maturing plants blossom and grow. And I pray for God to bring a mighty harvest of souls including unsaved loved ones as I harvest the produce.  And as I savor the taste of my fresh fruits and veggies, I thank the Lord for the lives of so many wonderful people who have blessed my life through our church.

The Lord places all sorts of prayer reminders around us each day. What things does he use to remind you to pray for others? I’d love to hear from you!


About Bonnie Winters

I am a Pastor's Wife, Mom, Grandmom, writer, and crafter who loves God with all my heart! Life has been an interesting Journey, so why not pull up a comfy chair, grab a cuppa your favorite beverage and let's just share awhile!
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1 Response to The prayer garden

  1. Thanks for sharing. There is power is prayer. Wonderful read. Please feel free to share your inspiration at Godinterest. God Bless Your Ministry.

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